about the AI Literary Review

The AI Literary Review is a journal of new poetry,
exploring what happens when organic imagination meets algorithmic generation.

From July 1, 2024, the review will publish quarterly issues of 10 poems, each a collaboration between a human poet and their AI muse. The aim of this journal is to find ways of using AI creatively and constructively to produce original, distinctive and exciting poems.

There is a fear among many writers that AI could one day replace human authors, as it is already replacing workers in a number of professions. This journal takes that possibility seriously, and believes that AI is not going away any time soon. Therefore it believes that, as writers and readers in this present moment, we have a responsibility to find ways of using AI to our advantage, to take the reigns of the machine, and make the algorithms work with us rather against us. If AI art is shallow we must lend it some depth. If AI art is soulless, we must imbue it with a soul.

This journal believes that through direct engagement and experimentation with the AI and its outputs we can revive its zombified text, and rewild our language before it succumbs to total automation.
- Dan Power, EIC, 2024

about the editor

Dan Power (he/him) is a poet and PhD candidate at Lancaster University. His pamphlet Memory Foam, written in collaboration with OpenAI’s ChatGPT-3, was published by Doomsday Press in 2023. Previous pamphlets have been published by Spam, Steel Incisors, Broken Sleep and if a leaf falls press. Dan is the founding editor of visual poetry publisher Trickhouse Press, and was shortlisted for the 2024 Edwin Morgan Poetry Award.

photo of Dan Power